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By Felix Oketcho

The National Planning Authority (NPA) has marked a significant milestone with the inauguration of its newly appointed Executive Board.

The new Board, chaired by Prof. Pamela K. Mbabazi, comprises five members who bring extensive expertise in economic planning and development.

State Minister for Finance Amos Lugoloobi who inaugurated the new board emphasized the critical role of the Board in providing strategic leadership and guidance to the NPA, highlighting the importance of effective planning in achieving Uganda’s development goals, particularly under the Fourth National Development Plan (NDPIV).

“We must move swiftly to guide our technical team in developing well-articulated program plans and subsequent regional and local development strategies,” stated Lugoloobi.

He also assigned specific strategic objective themes of NDPIV to the Board members

The NDPIV is the fourth out of the six National Development Plans that are meant to implement Uganda Vision 2040.It is also the last plan to deliver the global agenda 2030 of the sustainable development goals and the first within the implementation of government’s strategy for achieving 10-fold growth.

Below is new Board:

Prof. Pamela K. Mbabazi: Private Sector and Strategic Partnership
Dr. Ivan Lule: Production, Value Addition, and Institutional Development
Hon. Mukitale Stephen Mukitale Adyeeri: Infrastructure and Physical Planning
Prof. Enos Kiremire: Human Capital Development
Hon. Lydia Wanyoto: Peace, Security, Governance, and Publicity
In her speech, Prof. Pamela Mbabazi, the NPA Board Chairperson expressed gratitude to the President of the Republic of Uganda and the Minister for entrusting her with a second term in office. She pledged the Board’s commitment to fulfilling its mandate, saying, “We are dedicated to delivering on our mandate and look forward to working together with the remarkable NPA staff”.

The ceremony, was held at the Planning House,presided over by Amos Lugoloobi, Minister of State for Finance, Planning, and Economic Development (Planning) and was attended by the Executive Director, Deputy Executive Director, Directors, NPA staff, security officers, and all support staff present, who welcomed the newly appointed Board with optimism and enthusiasm.

The National Planning Authority of Uganda, commonly referred to as the National Planning Authority (NPA), is a semi-autonomous national development planning organisation in Uganda and is owned by the Government of Uganda.

This is operationalized by the NPA Act 15, of 2002. The Authority’s primary function is to produce comprehensive and integrated development plans for the country elaborated in terms of the National Vision Framework, the long-term perspective plans, and the medium- term plans.

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